This article was published online on Mike Kunkle’s Transforming Sales Results website. on March 11, 2017. Kunkle helps companies improve sales performance through disciplined and focused execution of a systems approach to sales (sales selection, sales support, sales learning, and sales management systems), which includes talent management, sales process, sales methodology, and sales technology.

In this 5-part series of blogs, he speaks to how sales managers and sales professionals should be viewing and implementing the 4 sales systems. Here’s Part 1.


If you work in sales leadership or a sales performance improvement role, you know it’s not easy to properly select, prepare, manage, lead, and change a sales force to achieve sales growth.  With apologies to Jim Henson and Kermit the Frog for that header, and apologies to you for the poor attempt at humor, I think we can agree that the road to sales performance improvement is a noble yet challenging path.

True, right? There are so many factors to consider, so many levers to align and pull, and so much complexity to manage, that most leaders don’t know where to start, to truly make an impact. This is why we hear about top sales leaders turning over every 18-24 months.

This is also why there is so much thrashing in our profession, with leaders trying to push harder, faster, and longer to get better results. It’s why we tinker and settle for a 5% to 10% performance improvement–rather than overhauling to blow the doors off–and why we’re relieved when we hit such a small number.

Read the continuation of this 5 part blog series here.