The IES Women in Sales Leadership Forum
Over the last year IES has been gathering important data and insights from members, sponsors and guests on the Sales Game Changers’ Podcast on the key challenges employers are facing. Our research revealed two critical issues, retaining valuable employees and a steady pipeline of candidates, especially young women, who are sufficiently prepared to make the transition into management.
The WIS Leadership Forum was developed in response to these needs and in support of IES’ mission to help corporate members and sponsors retain, motivate and elevate their key talent.
FAQ About the Forum
- Who are the best candidates for the forum?
The forum is designed for a variety of women who’s career goals include sales leadership. Ideal candidates include those who are in line for promotion as well as those who may feel as though their career has stalled. The forum is also beneficial for those who have made the transition and could benefit from training geared to ensuring they grow and flourish in their new roles.
- How will the forum help participants?
Attendees will learn proven techniques for building consistent confidence, managing with authenticity and assertiveness, and leveraging their personal strengths for the success of their careers and their organizations. The forum will also help attendees learn to make strategic choices that help illustrate their ability to help fuel company growth.
- How does the forum differ from our in-house sales support training?
Most companies do not have the resources necessary to support the personal and professional growth and development of young leaders. The forum training will help participants fuel their own growth by providing the crucial, intangible skills needed to make a successful transition into leadership. The forum is not intended to replace sales development training or other in-house sales process training.
- How did you decide on the session topics covered in the forum?
The session topics were carefully researched and developed and are based on a variety of factors including the key issues impeding the growth of women in sales leadership, skills identified as integral to effective management, and core tenets considered in most leadership training geared to women leaders.
- How can we be assured our candidates are gaining the needed skills necessary for their growth?
Participants and their managers will fill out pre and post assessments to gauge their growth and development over the course of the forum. Participants will have assignments related to each session that they will be expected to implement at work before the next session. Their managers will be made aware of the assignments, so they can provide the needed support to ensure their employee can complete each assignment. Additionally, each participant will be expected to identify a personal leadership project that they will implement at work with a two-fold goal of illustrating their leadership vision and reaching stated department or company growth goals.
- What other opportunities will participants gain from the forum?
Forum participants will become part of a community that will include this and subsequent forum participants, trainers and coaches. Their outside network will continue to grow with each forum as more participants and trainers are added to the community. Additionally, participants will have ongoing access to a library of forum content and over the coming months, supplementary resources designed to further their leadership growth. As the forum community grows, special networking events for this select group are being planned.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to Gina Stracuzzi, WIS Programs Director at