Katie Hanusik at Speakerbox was in attendance at the December 2017 IES Sales Excellence Program. She did a great job documenting what Tim Sullivan and Dario Prioli of Sales Performance International spoke about on the topic of upselling and cross-selling.
Check out her article here!
Here’s an excerpt from the Katie’s overview:
When considering sales strategies, cross-sell and upsell opportunities are often overlooked, though they can be great ways to make further inroads with current customers. In fact, it’s such an important sales tactics that it was the focus of this month’s Institute for Excellence in Sales event. Executives Dario Priolo and Tim Sullivan from SPI, a sales performance improvement company known for solution selling, discussed how to maximize cross-sell and upsell opportunities in 2018 and beyond.
According to consulting firm Bain, the cost of selling to new customers is six to seven times more expensive that upselling an existing client. Most sales people intrinsically know this, but that doesn’t mean upselling is easy. Some of the challenges include decentralized purchasing, clients that misunderstand a vendor’s complete capabilities, and the variable skills of sales people. (More)