
30 08, 2017

Four Ways to Successfully Sell to Your Friends

August 30th, 2017|Sales|

By Fred Diamond IES Co-Founder When speaking with sales reps about their frustrations at a recent Institute for Excellence in Sales Young Professionals in Sales (YPIS) program one of the not-so-surprising complaints was about non-responsive prospects. They talked about seemingly great prospects who took their calls, sat through a demo, asked for a proposal and [...]

2 02, 2017

The Elusive Critical Factor for Sales Success

February 2nd, 2017|Sales|

By Fred Diamond IES Executive Director I’ve been fortunate to have spent thousands of hours with some of the smartest sales leaders and thought leaders in the years since I co-founded the Institute for Excellence in Sales. I’ve been a witness to hundreds of sales professionals who have grown their careers by implementing the tactics [...]

16 12, 2016

10 Strategies to Use When Your Prospect Goes Silent

December 16th, 2016|Sales|

This blog was originally posted by Kendra Lee on her site in April 2016. She listed it as one of her top 2016 posts on her year end review. One of the most frustrating things for a sales rep is when the prospect you had a great conversation with goes silent and starts avoiding you. [...]

14 12, 2016

Telephone Prospecting Tips: Anticipate the First “No” and Be Prepared to Push Past It

December 14th, 2016|Sales|

This article originally appeared on past IES speaker Mike Weinberg's The New Sales Coach web site.  I’ve got bad news and good news about your prospecting call. The bad news is that, most of the time, regardless of how well you’ve done in the early stages of the prospecting phone call (right mindset, good voice [...]

15 11, 2016

Prospecting to the C-Suite Webinar Replay with Tom Snyder

November 15th, 2016|Sales|

Here's the recording of the great webinar prospecting legend and CEO of Funnel Clarity Tom Snyder presented on "Prospecting to the C-Suite" on November 15. Tom will be a featured speaker at the IES Customer Acquisition Symposium on Friday, November 18. Tom recommends things sales professionals should be doing on LinkedIn to more effectively get [...]

26 03, 2016

Tom Snyder Suggests One Thing That Will Improve Sales Performance by 100% in 120 Days or Less

March 26th, 2016|Sales|

This blog article was written by Tom Snyder and was originally found on the VorsightBP web site here. Did you know that generating 100% improvement in sales performance can be achieved by almost any sales organization and it can be achieved within a 120-day period?  Sounds impossible doesn’t it?  Would you be surprised to know [...]

9 09, 2015

Jenna Cronin Offers the 7 Do’s and Don’ts of Lead Qualification

September 9th, 2015|Sales|

This blog was written by Jenna Cronin and was originally posted on the VorsightBP website here. Lead Qualification is a difficult job. When we’re following up on leads, we feel more comfortable talking to our prospect. Makes sense, because there’s an action on their part to which our call is anchored. So, why do we [...]

21 08, 2015

Colleen Francis Lists the Ten Things You Absolutely Need to Know about Prospecting

August 21st, 2015|Sales|

By Colleen Francis This blog was originally published on Colleen's website. It was republished here with permission. Colleen spoke at the IES in August 2015. Ask any successful sales person and they'll likely admit to you that one of the cold, hard facts about this profession is that you can't sell to everyone. There is [...]

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