
24 01, 2017

Building a Strong Sales Mindset Webinar with Monica Marusceac

January 24th, 2017|Sales|

Here’s the recording of the insightful webinar we did with Peak Performance leader Monica Marusceac on January 24. What could being a pilot teach you about sales? IES Director Fred Diamond answers that based on Monica's experience in Call Me Moose: What a Marine Pilot Knows about Sales Mindset. Enjoy.

18 01, 2017

Call Me Moose: What a Marine Pilot Knows about Sales Mindset

January 18th, 2017|Sales|

By Fred Diamond Executive Director, Institute for Excellence in Sales (IES) I spoke recently with a Marine jet pilot who now helps selling professionals achieve greater success in their careers by using NLP and other mindset shifting techniques. In this blog, we talked about three processes military pilots use to get into the right state [...]

18 03, 2016

Jill Konrath Tells You to Kick Yourself Out of Your Comfort Zone

March 18th, 2016|Sales|

This article originally appeared on Jill Konrath's website under the title "How to Kick Yourself Out of Your Comfort Zone." The photo was originally placed here. Recently I did a webinar for sales leaders on "how to kick your reps out of their comfort zone." Sounds brutal, I know. But it wasn't. You see, for the past [...]

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